So I realized that in addition to providing information about the best napping spots around town, I should also warn students of serious trouble spots. On Thursday evening, every incoming first year queued up outside Rockefeller Memorial Chapel to attend the annual Aims of Education Address, which was administered this year by faculty member Bernard Harcourt. The purpose of the Aims of Education Address is to address the entering class on the unique and specific aims of liberal education which is at the heart of the College at the University of Chicago. Not that this liberal education, this address, or what Bernard Harcourt had to say wasn't interesting, it's just that at 6:30pm when we had been bused around from informational meeting to RSO fairs, from activity to activity all week long, I and many other first years were in a mood for a nap.
(Inside of Rockefeller Chapel)
(Exterior of Rockefeller Chapel)
WARNING: Rockefeller Memorial Chapel's pews are NOT comfortable for napping! Especially when you're entire class is packed should to shoulder. Ordinarily, a chapel like Rockefeller Chapel seems to me would be an excellent place to doze off, maybe in between class or studying at Harper Library. The black and white, blue and white tiles on the ceiling are actually very fun to just stare at for a while, almost mesmerizing. So maybe another time, another student might have a more enjoyable experience napping in Rockefeller Chapel, but by my advice, I'd opt for elsewhere...
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